Sunday, December 16, 2012


So it's been awhile again! I know I'm horrible at staying with this thing and writing on it. Well a lot has happened in the last couple months! First I think just a couple days after I wrote my last post I received a call for a job interview and I ended up taking the position! :) It was great to finally be working in my field of chose, the only down side was that it was a contract position and only for a couple of months so when that ended I was a little sad to tell you the truth. From there I was back to the job search looking for anything in the area I wanted to work in (which is a pretty big area). I guess this is a bad time of year with everyone going on vacation and looking at the holidays which are only a couple days away to get a job. So I am still looking for work once more and having no luck at the moment. A little depressing in a way but then I guess I do have loads of free time on my hands and get to spend it with family, friends and loved ones. Which is always a plus :)

Another thing I have been thinking about is getting in better shape again. I know I wrote a post about this around the same time last year and my health is alright, it's just I would like to be very fit and more comfortable in my own body and trust me being a girl this is normally a hard thing to do. I also know that most people are thinking, "What are you nuts! It's Christmas time! You should be celebrating and eating anything you want!” That being said yes I know its Christmas, but I would still love to be in better shape. So I have started making better eating chooses and trying very not to over indulge, which is going to be very hard seeing as I going to my boyfriends Christmas dinner and his mother is a wonderful cook! Did I mention that she makes the most delicious Christmas cookies! Yeah I know.... But still I'm trying and that's what counts! (I hope so, anyways haha).

This has turned into a rather long post of me just rambling on about life but I thought I should let everyone know and hope to be back with more regular post!

Till then,
