It's Saturday! Now normally I would be excited for the weekend but it just feels like there's to much too do! I'm a list person; I've always loved writing things down and making lists of either what needs to get done, places I would love to go, or just even a shopping list. The only problem is actually doing the things on the list... Like today for instance, I have to clean the bathroom, kitchen and living room, laundry, start my two assignments, and find some time to go to the grocery store. It's just too much! All I really feel like doing is relaxing and watch a movie. I think the main problem is that you think the list is just too big and then you never really get started because all you're doing is dreading what comes next. At least that's with me. Another thing that I like to do is procrastinate. I will read blogs; go on YouTube for hours, Facebook even just to not do what I have to. I think it all started when I went away to College for the first time. I would have a test or an assignment due and of course I wouldn't want to start it, so I did other things to take my mind off of it. Now in the end I felt awful and I should of just started earlier then it would have been done and over with but no I always find time to procrastinate... Speaking of procrastination I should probably stop writing and actually go do the things on my list today, at least a couple things... :)
Do you ever make lists and don't do anything on them? Are you a procrastinator like me? If so what do you do to take your mind off of work?
Till then,