Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Chirstmas Wreath


With Christmas just around the corner I thought I should share some of my Christmas decorations and gift ideas that I will be using this year. Seeing as this is the first year that I won't be going home for Christmas until boxing day I thought I should do a proper decoration of the flat and buy my first Christmas wreath!

I thought at first that I would make one but as it turns out, making a wreath is around the same prince as buying a pre-made one. So the boyfriend and I went to HomeSense to start our hunt! I really love that store and it just feels like Christmas walking into it. They also have a huge selection of wreaths to choose from. We ended up getting one with big bells on it, which I love because every time you open the door it rings :)

What do you think? I really love the mix of red and green :) Stay tuned for home made gift ideas!

Till then,


Monday, December 8, 2014



As you may know we have a cat named Merlin. He's a great cat but always thought that he was a little lonely and have talked for a while about getting another one. We also heard that our local animal shelter had a lot of cats and kittens up for adoption at the time. We did a lot of research about adopting a second cat and how you have to introduce them very slowly so it isn't threatening in any way.  So about a month ago we adopted little Lucy!

She's a calico cat and is also poly dactyl which means she has extra toes :) When we first got her she was only 3 months and her mother wasn't around. She also had an upper respiratory infection so she had to go on antibiotics, because of that we took extra time making sure it was fully gone before we slowly started to introduce them to each other.

 Since her cold has fully gone away and they have both met, I'm so glad we got her. They get along great and love to cuddle together. They do play fight sometime that we have to break them up but it's very rare. I love the fact that we could save another cat and that Merlin now has a little friend. (Don't worry Merlin is fixed and she will be too as soon as she's old enough)