It’s now 12:08am and I can’t sleep… so what do I do? Look at cute adorable animals of course! :P Here are some pictures I just thought were too cute not to share. Hope you enjoy!
Wow can you believe its September already, summer holidays just goes by too fast! So I was doing my normal morning routine when I ran out of foundation. Now normally I would just go out to the closest drug store and pick some more up which I was planning on doing until I arrived there. I’ve been using Maybelline pure make-up, which has always worked. Yes its light coverage and cheep but I like it and it does the job. I have always wanted to try the more expensive brands but I just don’t have the money right now. So anyways I went off to the drug store thinking it’s no big deal I’ll just get some more, well when I got there wasn’t I surprised! They don’t sell it anymore! I couldn’t believe it! So now I’m standing there and have no idea what to get. My skin is oily to combination, so I have to be really careful so it doesn’t break me out. So after going through countless amounts of foundations and my boyfriend starting to get annoyed with me I thought I found the one (TRUblend by cover girl in natural ivory 415). The price range was alright at $9.99 and the colour looked like it matched in the store. So I finally got home and went to try it on, was I ever wrong! It dries a shade or two darker and it seems to be more oily then watery. That’s the reason I liked Maybelline’s pure make-up because it was 50% water and it just seemed to blend in so nicely. I think because of my skin type and colour which is pretty pale, it’s just not for me. It makes me a little sad because I really wanted it to work but I guess the hunt is still on!
If you have any suggestions of foundations that aren’t that expensive and for oily to combination let me know. :)
-->I have always been a fan of wearing mascara; I've been wearing it since I was around 12. There are so many brands and different things it can do for your eyes, to make them look fuller, longer or even like you’re wearing fake eye lashes. Even with all this I still haven’t found my wholly grail! I mean I usually always go back to “Great Lash- Blackest Back mascara” by Maybelline New York but that’s only because it does in alright job and I know I can count on it. I always love to try different brands or even just different kinds.I’ve done it all from water proof to volume express and still I feel as though It could be better. Now don’t get me wrong I love my eyes and I think it’s one of my better features, it’s just I want them to look their best! I know that sounds kind of silly but hey I’m a girl and I love make-up! I would love to try more expensive brands but because I’m in a small town and on a student budget I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon, so I go for the drug store brands! With my eyes I think I have an alright length but the volume could use a little help. I’ve just finish using “the colossal volum’ express” by Maybelline and it was alright. I could see myself buying it again but I would like something that I could also wear to work and not look like I’m wearing fake lashes, I think sometimes it can be a bit too much.So yesterday I went out to Shoppers Drug Mart and bought “Define-A-Lash”. When I went to put it on the first thing I noticed was that the brush was huge!!!! And then on top of that after one coat my lashes were separated and seamed a lot longer than normal, I just wish it had a bit more volume. For now I think this will have to do.
How do you feel about mascara? Do you know of any drug store brands that work as well as the more expensive brands?
So I have decided to start a blog! I know millions of people all over the world have been doing this for a long time and it seamed kind of fun, so i thought why not give it shot :)